Monthly Archives: October 2012

2012-011 The BBC’s involvement with the EU


Scroll down to the item you want.  A : B : C etc

A    The BBC admits that it’s reporting is biased in favour of the EU and is part-funded by them.

B    THE BBC has sent 407 people to cover this weekend’s Glastonbury festival, almost as many as it flew out to film last year’s Beijing Olympics.

   UK Independence Party forces apology from the Today Programme

D   IMPARTIALITY is and should remain the hallmark of the BBC

  Corporation’s £100m loan from EU bank   By Graeme Wilson

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2012-010 Britain facing new eastern Europe immigration surge

Britain is facing a new wave of Eastern European immigration which will put British workers’ jobs at risk, experts have warned.

Twenty nine million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in Britain in 2014 under European “freedom of movement” rules.

2012-009 EU pay foreigners to get British jobs

THOUSANDS of young jobless Europeans are to get travel expenses and moving
costs to come to work in Britain.

The European Commission will pay £250 to help hopefuls get to an interview —
and £830 to cover relocation costs if they are offered a job.

Brussels claims thousands will find work under the taxpayer-funded initiative.

Critics fear it will see youngsters from countries with high unemployment
flock to the UK, where ONE MILLION young Brits are jobless. The scheme, for
those aged from 18 to 30, aims to match jobseekers with suitable jobs.

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2012-008 Who said the British public are too stupid to be involved in governing themselves?

It was Edward Heath, he was prime minister in 1972 and lied to parliament and to the British Public. He said that the European Economic Community was nothing more than a trading agreement. He knew perfectly well that it was a lie. He had a letter from the Foriegn and Commonwealth Office that explained in no uncertain terms that the EEC (later recalled the European Union) was to be a complete transfer of British sovereignty to Brussels.

The Foriegn and Commonwealth Letter  see 2012 – 029

2012 – 007 C The Foriegn and Commonwealth Letter


Sovereignty and the European Communities

FCO 30/1048  A document kept secret from the British public until it that came to light under the 30 year rule.

Annotated by: Richard North – 17 February 2002


In 1971, during the final stages of the negotiations for Britain’s entry into what was then termed the “Common Market”, the “anti-marketeers” – as they were then called – had made some impact with the claim that membership would involve an unacceptable loss of sovereignty.

This claim clearly had a significant impact on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, sufficient at least for anonymous civil servants to write a detailed briefing on the sovereignty issue. This confidential document was never published and, for the last thirty years has lain in an FCO file, guarded by official secrecy. Only under the thirty year rule was it finally released and its contents laid bare.

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2012-007 B Cost Of Post Offices and EU Postal Legislation

The Royal Mail was the best service the the world. A single cost for anywhere in the UK, 2 deliveries a day and at low cost.  The EU ordered it to be broken up and sold to private companies. The European postal services were given 7 years derogation before they had to comply. This enable them to buy up the lucrative parts of our postal service leaving the Royal mail with the lossmaking parts. This was done with the complicity of our government,

EU postal reforms spark heated debate and


Based on piece by Lucia Kubosova of EUOBSERVER


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2012 – 007 A Merkel went to Greece

Angela Merkel went to Greece and was stopped at immigration.

“Name?” Said the immigration Officer

“Angela Merkel”




“No I am only staying for a couple of days!”

2012 – 006 Tradition of selling jam in re-used jars breaches EU health and safety rules

Don’t sell jam in re-used jars… by order of Europe: Tradition of selling home-made preserves ‘breaches health and safety rules’

What about milk bottles? Surely not to reuse them will be in conflict with the EU recycling edict?

Churches warn parishioners to stop selling preserves in re-used jars. The tradition, enjoyed by the WI, breaches EU health and safety laws

They are the backbone of church fetes, village fairs and jumble sales
all around the country.

But the thousands who regularly sell their home-made jam, marmalade or
chutney in re-used jars may have to abandon their traditions after a warning
that they are breaching European health and safety regulations.

Legal advisers to Britain’s Churches have sent out a circular saying that
while people can use jars for jam at home or to give to family and friends,
they cannot sell them or even give them away as raffle prizes at a public
Glass warfare: The Women’s Institute is warning its 210,000 members about
the European regulations Take note: The written circular from the Churches’
Legislation Advisory Service

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